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What kind of people are "right" for FIT CLUB BOOP CAMP?


  • People who will commit to finishing what they start and see a minimum of 8-15 pounds of body fat loss (OR GREAT INCREASES IN THEIR ABILITIES) in the first 4 week phase.


  • People who are ready to start living strategically.


  • People who want more so you are ready to do things differently, and are ready to take the action to get it. Change will happen because they will make it happen.


  • People who are willing to inconvenience themselves to achieve the life they want and deserve


  • People who are willing to “stop fighting for their right to suck” and strive for the true achievement and potential that lies within everyone.


  • People who are committed to doing their very best and will constantly ask what they CAN do, rather than complain about what they CAN’T do.


What will you learn in FIT CLUB BOOT CAMP?


  • Nutritional guidelines

  • Team Work

  • Stretching

  • Supplements

  • Exercise

  • How to do your very best

  • How to overcome life’s challenges and difficulties and NOT QUIT


If you are ready to learn to rise above your circumstances and find your true achievement and potential then click on the link below and get started TODAY!


Fit Club Boot Camp is all about teaching you to do your very best. As Americans we live in such a self-absorbed, entitled and spoiled society. Many people in this country do not know how to push themselves or give 100%. Between advertising and lawyers we believe nothing is our fault and we deserve to have whatever we want. We avoid things that are not comfortable and seek the path of least resistance. Unfortunately these habits have done nothing productive for our species. FIT CLUB BOOT CAMP will fix that. You will learn to reach your true achievement and potential. We do not yell or abuse you in BOOTCAMP.


What we do is demand that you give your very best. You will learn to embrace discomfort and overcome obstacles that in the past would make you shut down. You do not need worry about the envoirment you will be in. In boot camp we do not yell swear or threaten anyone. We simply create a high commitment environment of accountability and friends to support you and encourage you along your journey. We like to call it "Positive Peer Pressure" .


For more info talk to any of our FIT CLUB BOOT CAMP instructors or email us at


"We didn't say it would be easy, we only said it would be worth it"

What is Fit Club Boot Camp?

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